Sunday, December 11, 2011

LUNCH! Week Six...

Monday-  Brat-Dogs, peppers & onions, 3 bean salad
Tuesday-  Turkey Reuben, skillet potatoes
Wednesday-  BBQ Chicken Thighs, collards, mac & cheese
Thursday-  White Chili, jalapeno bacon cornbread
Friday-  Pad Thai (Vegetarian available)


  1. Put me down for Three on friday! Veg please. vetter

  2. Please put me down for one on Wednesday and one on Friday. The Wednesday will be to stay, the Friday will be to go. I'm actually out of town on Fri., but am too excited about the pad thai, so I'll have David put it in the fridge for me.
    Look forward to seeing everyone and to enjoying your delicious eats.

  3. tuesday, wednesday and maybe thursday:-)

  4. 3 lunches for today (tuesday) please

  5. Running late. Please cancel if possible, or else I'll pick them up later in the day.
    thank you
